Selling a car is a complicated and often ambiguous process. Today, the automotive market has a huge number of offers not only from the European Union, but also from the USA, Canada, as well as Japan and South Korea. It is clear that in such conditions the potential buyer is picky and demanding.

On the other hand, the Internet allows you to check almost any car by finding out:

  • whether the speedometer was twisted earlier;
  • whether the body or interior was changed, modernized;
  • how and when the car was in an accident (if there was such a thing, in principle);
  • number of vehicle owners

To do this, it is not always necessary to know even the VIN, the registration number of the car is enough. But the VIN code significantly increases the prospects for obtaining complete and reliable information.

All this, under certain conditions, can scare off a potentially promising vehicle buyer. This leads to the conclusion: you need to know how to delete the history of the car from the current databases. Let's look at the most effective and useful services from a practical point of view.


One of the most promising options is the project "". This platform allows you not only to get a report on the VIN number, but also to clear the history of the car, if necessary.

The most important advantage of our service is that an analytical system based on artificial intelligence has been implemented here, which not only collects all useful and relevant information about a particular vehicle, but also highlights negative factors among the data obtained that can reduce the price. In the future, for an affordable fee, the service specialists will simply delete the history of the car from the network.

In addition, the service has other advantages:

  1. High performance. More than 10 thousand people used the services of the portal and were quite satisfied.
  2. And in general, the company has been successfully operating in this segment of the automotive market for a long time (more than a decade) and has rightly earned a reputation as an impeccable and reliable business partner.
  3. During the work, contacts have been established with the world's leading sites for providing information about cars, both in the EU and the USA. In general, if a potential buyer is going to look for information, then it will be there with whom "" works. Accordingly, he will not be able to receive any discrediting data.

Additionally. Control over information on the network is carried out throughout the entire period of sale of the car. This is done so that some new information does not "come out" at the most inappropriate moment.

Working with resource owners directly

Of course, you can try to clear the history of the car yourself, as they say, without the participation of intermediaries. However, for this it is necessary to have certain knowledge and the "vein" of a businessman negotiator.

First, you need to determine the list of sites where you should try to remove the data. There are the least problems with this issue, search engines help. The difficulties begin further. It is necessary to find ways to communicate with the administration of these Internet resources, to negotiate with them about the removal of certain information. As a rule, the owners are extremely reluctant to do this and for very impressive money.

But that's not all. No one can guarantee that information about your car will not jump out of some other database, of which there are plenty in the world, both in the country of the car manufacturer and globally. For this reason, this method solves the problem only partially, if at all we can talk about success.

Carfast Exress

Another interesting and definitely promising project in the future. This site is well known in our country and abroad. It is not surprising that it has quite a lot of popularity. The service is considered shareware. The algorithm of visitors' actions can be represented as follows:

  1. Log in directly to the portal.
  2. Move to a specialized page where you can delete the history of the car by VIN. Here, by the way, it is proposed to remove all information from Google.
  3. Enter the VIN number in the appropriate field. After that, the requester will have at his disposal a list of all sites where there is at least some information about a car with such a number. By the way, up to this point, you can use the resource with the above-described method of deletion, when you communicate independently with the owners.
  4. Next, the user will be asked to remove all data from these sites, as well as photos from Google. It is also important to remember about photos which are too informative a source. If they are not removed, then all other efforts may ultimately be in vain.

However, not everything is as simple as it may seem at first glance. Otherwise, all the methods considered, except for this, would have no practical significance. The information is deleted, of course, but not in full and not from all Internet sites. It may reappear somewhere over time. And it's good if by this time it will be possible to successfully sell a car.

As a conclusion

All existing resources for removing information about a particular car from the World Wide Web have their positive and negative sides, as well as ways of self-cleaning. At the same time, it is important to understand that, in principle, it is unrealistic to completely remove information from the Internet, therefore it is necessary to focus on the most popular reporting platforms for car buyers. And paid sites are the best at this task. It is better to pay a little for the service, but get more when selling a car.